Too Many Shots Fired
This week has held lots of grief and pain for many people around the country. The killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile...

How Negative Word of Mouth Impacts the Criminal Justice System and Self-Radicalization
In 2009, TARP, a behavior research company based in Arlington, VA, conducted a study that explored the behavior of people sharing...

Admission of Guilt Nullifies Prosecutorial Misconduct
For the last three years, Advocacy Group, A Just Cause has engaged and continues to engage in an aggressive campaign to publicize...

America is Under the Influence
​ Each time an American takes a seat in front of a newscast they are literally taking a seat at the bar and being served by U.S....

Judges That Hide Injustice
I would venture to say that the vast majority of Americans are unaware that our justice system has only a partial, yet biased set of...

Why Should I Trust You?
Why Should I Trust You? © June 2015 "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will...

It's Not the Police, It's the Process
The widespread protests building across the United States regarding the deaths of the unarmed Michael Brown, Eric Garner and 12-year old...

Lies, Lies and More Lies
"Perjury has become the coin of the realm in federal law enforcement. People's homes are invaded because of lies. People are arrested...

The Grand Jury is Not So Grand
"Perjury has become the coin of the realm in federal law enforcement. People's homes are invaded because of lies. People are arrested...

Domestic Abuse and Corporal Punishment
Communities and governments don't raise kids, parents do. I am disturbed that Adrian Peterson was charged with felony child abuse because...